Wednesday, September 27, 2006


Wednesday 9/27

Seth is shedding tubes -- two were removed today, including the NG drain (the one in his nose). He successfully swallowed a very nasty-tasting contrast liquid for a swallowing study, and after some initial reactionary gagging, he went on to pass the test with flying colors. His surgeon was standing by and was happy to see that Seth is healing well internally. He will be allowed to try drinking some water tomorrow, and slowly progress from there. I have seen Seth go through a lot these past 6 months, but I am really blown away by his determination and progress after this surgery. I know that his ultimate goal is to get the heck out of the hospital as soon as he possibly can, and if that means he needs to walk laps around the floor, he'll do it!

Seth and Jenny,
I am glad to hear of the positive progress. We are looking forward to your return to State College.
Hang in there!

Semper Fi

It's good to hear that Seth's bouncing back quickly.. I'm sure he'll be out of there in no time. Thanks for keeping us updated!

I've never had the priveledge of meeting you, but I know Seth when he was a big engineering navy rotc nerd back at Cornell. He was in the sword detail in my wedding back in 1991. Although I'm a few years older (and clearly many pounds heavier than him), we're both NFO's and spent a little time down in Pensacola together.

Obviously, I have lost track of Seth until some mutual friends shared the news on his treatment.

A quick google and I find this amazing blog site and after reading all this and seeing the beautiful pictures of your family - I was blown away.

Clearly the mailman in your town is a damn good looking gentlemen as those are some very cute kids. You are both blessed many times over.

Second - Seth clearly married up. Good for him! You're a brave woman and you both seem to have an amazing relationship and life together.

Finally - you'll both be in my thoughts and prayers and if anyone can plow through this with strength and confidence - its Seth.

Please tell him that 'Heff' says to say hello and to get better soon.

Chris Heffernan
Getting out of bed the day after surgery - way to go Seth! You are right on track with your recovery.
It sounds like you might be on the "north" wing of the hospital. Don't be afraid to ask the nurses for anything there - especially if it's Fran; she's the best!
We think of you often and send you love and best wishes all the way from Maryland!

The Smiths
Skip, Annabelle, Emily, Connie and baby (girl - due in December)
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