Tuesday, July 04, 2006


Happy Fourth!!

Happy 4th of July! I hope everyone is finding time to enjoy the holiday. We all recognize the 4th as a celebration of our Nation’s independence -- here are a few facts about the holiday that hold some interest:

-- Thomas Jefferson wrote the Declaration of Independence during June 1776 as part of the Second Continental Congress. The official resolution for the Declaration was approved on July 2nd, and the final draft of the Declaration was approved on July 4th. No one actually signed it on the 4th, and signatures were added into August.

-- Philadelphia held the first 4th of July celebration in 1777.

-- Congress declared the 4th of July and official national holiday in 1941.

-- Both John Adams and Thomas Jefferson (2nd and 3rd US Presidents and long-time political rivals) died on the 4th of July in 1826 (50 years after the original Declaration). James Monroe (the 5th President) also died on the 4th in 1831.

-- The cornerstone of the Washington Monument was laid on July 4th, 1848 with President James Madison in attendance.

-- Hawaii (the 50th State) was granted Statehood on the 4th in 1960.

-- New York City hosts the largest 4th of July fireworks show (Macy’s 4th of July Fireworks Show). They launch over 30,000 shells at a rate of about 1,000 per minute. As a comparison, the average fireworks show in the US has fewer than 1,000 shells.

-- State College hosts the nation’s largest all-volunteer fireworks show, a musically synchronized display with around 12,000 shells total. Pretty impressive for central PA!

I’ve always been a big fan of fireworks, but we’re still not sure if we’ll brave the crowds tonight. We’ll be heading back down to Philadelphia on Thursday. I am getting a full set of C/T scans on Friday and my 4th infusion on Monday. I’m hoping to have some good news to report once we get the results of the latest scans.

There are only 4 teams left in the World Cup (Germany vs. Italy, and France vs. Portugal). France knocked out favorite Brazil this past weekend in a very exciting game. Personally, I’m routing for host Germany.

That’s all for now, hope everyone enjoys the holiday.


State College's all-volunteer fireworks show with a maniditory 8 dollar donation for parking. Good show though.

-- Anon
You ought to watch England play in an English pub! They're nuts!

John P.
Emilia made it to her first fireworks and boy are we paying for it today, little miss cranky pants still isn't asleep at 10:01! She did enjoy it and keeps asking, "how they turn on"? I wonder if she will remember it?
Good luck w/your trip to Philly on Thursday, we'll be thinking of you.
Hi ya,

I came across your blog... while searching for stuff on mpnst. It's actuallly comforting(?) to read about someone going through a treatment that I might have to in the near future.

Will continue to visit...
Hey Seth!

I wanted you to know my wife and I are keeping you in our family's prayers. I'm your cousin (well, I think second, I'm not really sure how that all works. ;) ) I'm Barb (Big Bob E's sister) and Vince's son Bob. We're living in GA now.

Hang in there and know you're in our thoughts!

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