Thursday, May 04, 2006


Latest News

It’s been a busy week, and I’m still down in Philly. We spent last weekend here visiting with family and friends, and on Monday Jenny and I went in to Fox Chase. It was a busy day. I met with my oncologist and was happy to hear that everything is lined up for my participation in the ET-743 trial this coming Monday. I had several tests done, and had my port installed. This is relatively straightforward procedure. The port is about the size of quarter and is inserted under the skin about two inches below the collarbone. It has a convex silicon cap that allows for repeated injections, and a catheter that runs into a large vein to the heart. This simplifies the administration of chemotherapy, blood drawing etc. On Wednesday I went back for a complete C/T scan (chest, abdomen, pelvis) and some more tests. Everything looks good, so I don’t expect any last minute issues with my trial.

Jenny and the kids went back to State College on Tuesday with my Dad. My Mom and I are returning later today. Jenny and I will be returning to Philly on Sunday to start my treatments on Monday. We will probably be here most of the week since there are daily tests and checkups for this first cycle. I have very mixed feelings about starting this treatment. I am very glad to finally be starting treatment on the disease, but very apprehensive about how my body will be affected. People have a wide range of reactions to these drugs, and I am hoping that I am able to tolerate the therapy well. Believe it or not, my esophagus is still giving me trouble from the radiation. I am still limited in what I can eat and drink without pain, and I am hoping this clears up before Monday.

The picture above is Joe and Marc getting ready for their Adventure Race "The Savage" this past weekend, raising money for the ACS. They finished the race in a respectable 4 and half hours, way to go guys. You can tell from their glasses that Marc has better fashion sense than Joe.

That’s all for now, I am looking forward to getting back home for a few days. I’ll be sure to keep everyone posted on how things go next week.

Take care,

The port will give everyone quick access to your "huge heart". It was good to see Dad Saturday in Hershey for the State Police sponsored bike speeding tickets for either of us. Thanks for the update. Ellis Grossnickle
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