Saturday, March 25, 2006


Twin Testing

My brother and I received the results from our genetic testing yesterday. It probably doesn't come as a surprise that we are genetically identical. The following is an excerpt from the report....

DNA samples were analyzed using a technique called PCR. Next, we
analyzed 7-8 standard DNA markers (D5S818, D13S317, D7S820, D16S539, vWA,
TH01, TPOX, and CSF1PO) and determined that the highly variable DNA markers
were the same for both twins. Thus, there is greater than a 99% probability
that the twins are monozygotic.

Rob and I feel a sense of closure with this, primarily because our experiences growing up were those of identical twins. It turns out that about 20-30% of identical twins will form separate placentas early on, leading a doctor to mistakenly believe that newly born twins are fraternal.

Finally! I honestly didn't really think that you two were identical - although when I was visiting you on Thursday there were a few moments when you strongly resembled Rob, which had never struck me before.
I hope you are feeling well. Love, Sarah
Seth: Ellis shared your Blog with us. Pretty amazing pics! Hope this note finds you in good spirits knowing that many people are pulling for you.

Where did you get your Twin Test? My wife is a twin and we were just talking about the possiblity of having she and her sister tested... just didn't want to fork over the $300.00...


Reg Burroughs
Bordentown, NJ

Thanks for you note.

We used proactivegenetics (see They are less expensive but they were quite slow getting the results back to us.

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